Car Tries To Start When I Connect The Battery [2 Easy Solutions] 

Car tries to start when I connect the battery! Many car owners encounter this issue, and they fail to figure out what causes their car to start when connecting the battery.

Well, this happens due to a defective starter solenoid, or there is no clearance between the copper wire post and the ignition wire post. This troubleshooting will discuss how you can fix this issue. So, stay in tune with us. 

Car Tries To Start When I Connect The Battery: [2 Easy Solutions]

Your car will try to start when you connect the battery due to the following reasons:

  • A bad starter solenoid 
  • The large cable at the starter is touching the smaller terminal on the starter

Below, we will break down what actually causes your car to start when you connect the battery. So, keep scrolling. 

1. A Bad Starter Solenoid

A faulty starter solenoid is a culprit that causes your car to start when connecting the battery. Now, the question that may appear in your mind is- how can I understand if the starter solenoid is at fault? 

Well, it’s pretty simple to check. Just pull out the small wires off of the starter and place them aside from grounding out. Make sure they (small wires) don’t touch anything. 

Now, hook up the battery again and tap the large battery cable or power wire against where it connects to the starter. If your car tries to start or crank, we bet the starter solenoid gets defective. Just replace the starter solenoid to fix this issue.  

2 Posts Are Making Contact Closing The Circuit

If your car doesn’t crank or start after connecting the battery, we bet the wiring at the starter is touching the smaller terminal on the starter. As the smaller terminal is receiving power, it will start your car when you connect the battery. 

We recommend you disconnect the battery and inspect the wiring for proper clearance. Loose the 13mm nut on the post with the copper wire. Then, push this wire upward away from the 11mm but. 

Now, tighten it up and check for clearance. You can use a sheet of paper folded a couple of times to thread between the copper wire post and the ignition wire post. 

Finally, reinstall everything and tighten them down. Then, connect the battery again. We hope your car will not try to start or crank this time. 

Is It Normal For A Car Battery To Spark When Connecting?

Yes, it’s normal for a car battery to spark when connecting it. If you connect the battery under load, the battery will spark. 

But the real question is- what do you actually want to mean by connecting- using jumper cables or putting the battery into its place & installing the cables to the battery? 

Keep in mind, that you must attach the positive cable first to the battery. Then, you should connect the negative cable. If you attach the negative wire first and then the positive, you will get the spark.  

So, we recommend you put the positive cable on the battery first and then the negative cable. In this way, your car battery will not spark while you connect. 


What causes a starter to keep cranking?

The starter will keep cranking due to a defective starter relay, a stuck ignition lock cylinder, or a faulty solenoid. To fix this issue, we recommend you swap the starter relay with the same part number. Next, lubricate the ignition lock cylinder. And finally, replace the solenoid if it gets defective. 

What happens if the car battery is connected wrong?

If you connect the battery in the wrong way like attaching the positive cable to the negative one and the negative cable to the positive one, it will cause an explosion or a dead battery. 

Can you ruin your car by giving someone a jump start?

In most cases, giving someone else a jump start will not damage your car. It may just take the charge of your battery. However, it doesn’t mean your car is out of damaging risk. During jump start, there is a risk of serious over-voltage. 

What happens if Jump Start is connected wrong?

If Jump Start is connected wrong, it will damage many sensitive electronic components like electric sensors and onboard computers. 

How long do you leave jumper cables connected?

Jump starting your vehicle should only take 5 minutes once you connect the cables. If you fail to start the car after 5 minutes, we bet the battery gets dead. It means you should leave jumper cables connected for just 5 minutes. 


Your car will try to start when connecting the battery due to a defective solenoid or the 2 posts (the copper wire post and the ignition wire post) are making contact. 

To solve this issue, just replace the faulty solenoid with a new one. Alternatively, make sure there is enough clearance between the copper wire post and the ignition wire post. 

Note: You can also read how to disable ABS brakes on chevy silverado.

About John M

John contributed as a technical head at an automobile company just 2 years after his post-graduation in Automobile Engineering. He loves to lead a free life, so he left his job & started blogging. Now, he does research on every automotive problem, part & product and seeks a better solution & best products & shares his findings with his readers to help them as well as to minimize their struggle.

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